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fitness, functionality, and personal capability. We want you to get out there and live life! Try stuff, challenge the routine, and focus on living life to its utmost.
We look forward to promoting and partnering in your growth.
fitness, functionality, and personal capability. We want you to get out there and live life! Try stuff, challenge the routine, and focus on living life to its utmost.
We look forward to promoting and partnering in your growth.

The Power of Helping Others
Caring for your fitness and health can feel like a very lonely mission. Only you can change your nutrition habits. Only you can change...

Know Your Why: The Importance of Having a Reason for Your Goal
It’s that time of year when we look ahead and set big goals: we make new year’s resolutions. We plan to make changes we've been putting...

Focus on Form: Why Doing Exercises Correctly Matters
You’re doing the good work of getting yourself to the gym, doing those home exercises, or attending that group fitness class. Great! Make...

Taking Note of the Preventative Power of Fitness
There are many benefits to staying fit and healthy that are easy to overlook. We tend to notice things when they go wrong. When...

The Power of Self Talk: Strategies to Be Your Best Supporter
Self talk is powerful, and it’s happening all the time. It’s so constant that it’s easy to overlook. The messaging you tell yourself...

Addressing Aches and Pain: You Can Make a Difference in How You Feel
It’s a common belief that aches and pains are just a normal part of living. Certainly as we age, we become more susceptible to discomfort...

Walk This Way: The Importance of Foot Health
Your feet set the tone for how you hold yourself up and how you move. They are the first point of contact when you stand. They ground...

Achieving Your Goals: The Importance and Multiple Ways of Tracking Progress
Wellness goals help keep you motivated to make healthy choices; even when you may really want to make a different (less healthy) choice....

Examining What Is a Healthy Lifestyle
There is a lot of focus on being fit and healthy in our world. Rightfully so. There is also acknowledgement that a healthy lifestyle is...

Addressing Stress: 5 Ways to Keep It In Check
Stress: just thinking about the word “stress” can feel stressful. We’re that familiar with the feeling and with its regular appearance in...

The Power of Change: The Benefits of Trying Something New
It’s terrific to find a healthy routine that works for you. The less you have to think about making decisions that fuel your wellness,...

The Power of Routine in your Health and Fitness Journey
When actions are baked into our regular routine, the effort to actually do them becomes so much easier. They begin to feel almost...

Body Acceptance: Loving the Skin You’re In
The idea of body acceptance sounds so simple, and yet we know it isn’t. Shifts in behavior over the new year are testament to that. Gym...

Celebrate Your 2023 Wins: Making Resolutions of What to Keep
New year’s resolutions are typically about what we need to change. I propose a new type of resolution: what to continue. Instead of...

Rise Up: 3 Benefits of Better Posture
The advice to sit up straight or stop slouching is common. Yet, many of us still spend quite a bit of time leaning over phones and...

The Benefits of Warming Up and Cooling Down
The time spent on warming up and cooling down can sometimes feel pointless, especially if you’re tight on time. It’s tempting to shorten...

A Key to Feeling Good: Mobility Work
When we talk about getting fit or maintaining fitness, there’s a lot of emphasis on building strength and improving your cardiovascular...

Keep It Simple: Why Mastering Wellness Basics Is Clutch
Fitness, wellness, nutrition, health–it gets very complicated very quickly. There are so many variables and every single person is...

Bettering Yourself as an Athlete and in Life: The Powerful Connections
There’s a Fortune article from 2017 that I think about a lot titled What Do 65% of the Most Powerful Women Have in Common? Sports. I’ve...

How “Me Time” Benefits Everyone
“Me time” has become a popular catchphrase, but it’s still mired in the possibility of simply sounding selfish, indulgent even. We can...
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